  Contact us
Shandong anpu detection technology co. LTD

HR contact:Ms. liu
Marketing department contact: Manager li
Zip code:271000
Public number WeChat: shandong anpu detection (subscription number)
Shandong anpu detection technology co., LTD. (service number)
WeChat official account:

Address: building 8, taishan science and technology industrial park, Tai’an City high-tech zone, shandong province
Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan

On the morning of feburary 22, 2018, shandong anpu detection technology co., LTD was officially started, and it is now operating normally.


Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan

Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan 




Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan


After the holiday comes back vigorous, full of confidence exhibition grand plan

The spirit of positive effort is full of vitality

I am motivated and ambitious at work

Conscientiously work hard to pay, work in a prosperous career

Work hard and don't be afraid, try to innovate again

 Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan

       At 09:00 am, wang chuanggang, general manager of anpu detection, held a mobilization meeting for the personnel of the technical department, quality department and comprehensive department, and made arrangements for the new annual tasks. General manager wang chuanggang delivered a speech, calling on all the staff to meet the challenge and provide the most accurate inspection, inspection and service to customers, so that customers can rest assured and save effort!

Start construction | choose anpu, as stable as mount taishan

Start a new era and embark on a new journey

The festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival has not yet dissipated.
But the new journey has begun

A year's plan is in the spring,
After a short and wonderful vacation,
Begin our New Year's journey。
We sincerely wish you all a good start!
Business is booming, money is rolling in and the year of the dog is booming!

上一篇:Experts and professors from shandong agricultural university came to anpu test for guidance
下一篇:The opening ceremony of the new and old kinetic energy conversion major project with the help of anpu detection
WeChat official account
Website QR code
Third party inspection and testing technology service platform
Copyright: shandong anpu detection technology co. LTD
HR contact:Ms. liu
Marketing department contact: Manager li
The phone:0538-8065666
Address: building 8, taishan science and technology industrial park, Tai’an City high-tech zone, shandong province

Technical support: tai 'an focus network(The phone:0538-6309930,6632526) Lu male it for 37099202000312    Record No.: LUICPB No. 2022031738-1